When starting a fish tank, the hardest thing to decide may surprisingly be the type of fish to raise. Even though the funniest thing about owning a fish tank may be choosing the types of fish. Choosing fish can be a difficult and fun task, but if it is done incorrectly can cost a lot of money and time. There are many combinations of fish to chose from, but narrowing down these choices is fairly easy. To narrow down the choices, you need to decide the types of fish you would like to raise.
Raising fish to breed is a fun and most common way for raising fish. If you want to raise fish for breeding, I would suggest a bigger tank with lots of hiding places. The fish that I would first choose would be some Mollies and Guppies. Mollies and Guppies are very nonviolent fish and have many offspring. For bottom feeders I would suggest some Cory Cats and Bristlenose Plecostomus. Breeding tanks must be very peaceful for the offspring to survive.
If you would like a community tank with a variety of fish and many colors, there are many possibilities. Barbs, Tetras, Angel Fish and Kribensis make for a nice community tank. These fish swim around the tank for an active tank. Loaches, Cory Cats and Plecostomus are good bottom feeders.
If you just like a certain type of fish, or would like interesting fish to own I would suggest Cichlids. African Cichlids are very fun fish to rise, but can be very difficult. Finding the right type of Cichlids can be difficult and the wrong kind can cause fighting. Only get the same species of Cichlids in a tank, and you will be fine. Cichlids are egg layers and very protective of their young.
There are some fish that can be very hard to raise no matter the circumstance. I have had experience with certain types of fish that are impossible to raise. Jack Dempsies eat other smaller fish and I would not suggest owning one to begin with. Chinese Algae Eaters are very good at eating algae, but have one problem, they suck the slime off other fish and can kill them.
If you are new to fish raising, I would suggest using a few of these combinations to start with, you can add more fish and experiment as your tank grows. I would not start out with aggressive fish, these fish can be very difficult to own even if you are experienced. Trying new combinations of fish is good, but after you add a new fish, watch the fish to for a while to make sure they fit in. - 32185
Raising fish to breed is a fun and most common way for raising fish. If you want to raise fish for breeding, I would suggest a bigger tank with lots of hiding places. The fish that I would first choose would be some Mollies and Guppies. Mollies and Guppies are very nonviolent fish and have many offspring. For bottom feeders I would suggest some Cory Cats and Bristlenose Plecostomus. Breeding tanks must be very peaceful for the offspring to survive.
If you would like a community tank with a variety of fish and many colors, there are many possibilities. Barbs, Tetras, Angel Fish and Kribensis make for a nice community tank. These fish swim around the tank for an active tank. Loaches, Cory Cats and Plecostomus are good bottom feeders.
If you just like a certain type of fish, or would like interesting fish to own I would suggest Cichlids. African Cichlids are very fun fish to rise, but can be very difficult. Finding the right type of Cichlids can be difficult and the wrong kind can cause fighting. Only get the same species of Cichlids in a tank, and you will be fine. Cichlids are egg layers and very protective of their young.
There are some fish that can be very hard to raise no matter the circumstance. I have had experience with certain types of fish that are impossible to raise. Jack Dempsies eat other smaller fish and I would not suggest owning one to begin with. Chinese Algae Eaters are very good at eating algae, but have one problem, they suck the slime off other fish and can kill them.
If you are new to fish raising, I would suggest using a few of these combinations to start with, you can add more fish and experiment as your tank grows. I would not start out with aggressive fish, these fish can be very difficult to own even if you are experienced. Trying new combinations of fish is good, but after you add a new fish, watch the fish to for a while to make sure they fit in. - 32185