Specialized Saltwater Fish Tanks

By Amber Shipplen

It is no wonder that scuba diving and other related activities are becoming more and more popular, since the beauty of the aquatic world is undeniable. Fortunately, modern technology and equipment for aquarium setups are readily available. Through them, exploration of the different bodies of water and the different life forms found within is now made possible.

Though you can easily purchase marine fish tanks and other equipment from various pet supplies stores, setting up your own saltwater fish aquarium is not that easy. You need more than just the equipment to get started. You also need a lot of information, patience, and commitment to maintain marine fish tanks.

Saltwater fishkeeping versus freshwater fishkeeping Salwater fishkeeping or marine fishkeeping is different from freshwater fishkeeping in that the requirements for marine fish tanks are more complex. Water parameters such as salinity, pH, specific gravity, temperature, and ammonia, among others, need close monitoring. Marine fish tanks have intricate filtration systems, including the need for protein skimmers that remove organic compounds before they degrade.

Aside from the equipment, you will also spend more on acquiring saltwater fish since they are usually more expensive than their freshwater counterparts. This is because they are usually more eye-catching and exotic. In addition, you will also have to invest in live rock. This can be the most expensive part of your initial setup for the aquarium as you may need to have the live rock cured. However, it is a worthy investment because it is considered as the best form of biological filtration, not to mention the beauty that it will add to your entire marine aquarium setup.

Setting up marine fish tanks

Some helpful tips in setting up your very own saltwater fish aquarium It is not easy to set up marine fish tanks. Prior to making your purchase, you need to read a lot about it and familiarize yourself with the necessary equipment and proper procedures.

Aside from the aquarium itself, you need to prepare your background or aquarium design, saltwater mix, live rock, aquarium filter, hydrometer, heater, aquarium vacuum, saltwater fish foods, and protein skimmer, among others.

If you think that the initial setup takes a lot of time, well you have to give as much time and attention to cleaning and maintenance too. Ideally, you should clean your saltwater aquarium once a month and change some of the saltwater too. Change 20% of saltwater monthly. This ought to keep your fish happy and healthy.

Other things you might want to consider is the location of the aquarium, the size of the aquarium, and the kind of saltwater fish you wish to put in it. The key is to be well informed by reading a lot about marine fishkeeping. - 32185

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Things To Consider Before You Buy Fish Tank Ornaments

By Vernon Young

Each component that makes up your aquarium environment plays a significant role in successful aquarium maintenance. However, before you go and buy fish tank materials, there are three key elements that you should look into if you want to achieve a beautiful aquarium. These include aquarium flooring, water, and plants.

You don't always need a bed of gravel or sand as a sort of flooring for your aquarium. However, if you wish to use live, rooted plants and provide a more natural setting for the fish, you should use the larger variety of gravel. Materials that are much too fine pack more tightly when wet and this may hold back the growth of plants. Be sure to wash the gravel carefully if you want to use it as aquarium flooring.

Ensuring the quality of water is among the most crucial tasks of an aquarist. You need to buy fish tank accessories that will make the water suitable for fishkeeping. As much as possible, use conditioned water, which refers to water that fish have already lived in. A strange fact about fish is that their own waste products, or "clean dirt," make the water more habitable for them. If you plan to buy fish tank cleaning tools, this information will help you save more. Instead of purchasing all those expensive aquarium gadgets for frequent water replacement, you can simply opt for algae scrapers and tools for scooping out only "dirty dirt," such as uneaten food, dead fish, and foreign particles.

If it's your first time to set up an aquarium, be sure to let chlorine-treated tap water stand before exposing your fish to it. Chlorine is toxic to fish, and waiting for the water to be at room temperature gives you time to allow the chlorine to dissipate. Buy fish tank thermometers to keep an eye on water temperature, as this is critical in fishkeeping. Newly filled aquariums are normally murky. To provide clear water for your fish, give them a modest amount of food in the first two weeks.

Contrary to popular belief, fish don't need live plants for oxygen supply and carbon dioxide release. This doesn't make plants less important, though. If you wish for a more natural setting for your fish, a well-planted aquarium is a good playground for the fish. In terms of aesthetics, it doesn't really matter much if you want to purchase plastic or live plants, rooted or not. However, live plants in good condition do keep the water from turning green.

Plants are able to make their own food only when they are exposed to daylight. However, this will also increase the presence of algae in your aquarium. To avoid this, use artificial lighting instead. You will need to keep it on for eight (8) hours to give just the right amount of lighting for your fish and plants.

Plants provide oxygen and use carbon dioxide only during photosynthesis. This only occurs when there's sunlight. Since excessive sunlight encourages algae growth, it's better to use artificial lighting with a timer. Artificial lighting works just as well for fish as daylight. Leaving the light on for eight (8) hours is often enough.The types of plants you use will significantly affect the type of lighting your tank will require. Buy fish tank plants at aquarium shops and see which ones work best for you. Plants like fanwort and waterweed (or water thyme) need plenty of light, while arrowhead and floating fern don't need as much.

Fish keeping need not be an expensive hobby. If you want to start your own aquarium, study which elements you can use to reduce aquarium-related expenses. This way, you'll get to spend hours watching your aquarium without spending too much. - 32185

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What You Should Know Before Purchasing an Neon Tetra

By Stephen J Broy

Neon tetras are officially classified to the family Characidae. To most of the world they are known as Characins. This family includes 776 species in 152 different genera. Neons are indigenous to Northwest and Central Brazil, including the Amazon River and its tributaries.

Neons are an all time favorite among freshwater aquarium owners. In any given mouth approximately 1.8 million neon tetras are exported to the US alone. Their petite size most certainly contributes to their appeal. They rarely exceed an inch and a quarter in length. You can keep an entire school of them in an aquarium no bigger than 5 gallons. They are the perfect choice for desktop nano tanks.

These dazzling little beauties will add brilliance and color to any aquarium. The iridescent blue horizontal stripe that runs just above their spines almost glows under aquarium lights. Just below the blue, a second bright red stripe runs from mid-body to the base of their tail. These radiant colors are transposed against a translucent body. Their fins are transparent. You can see right through them.

There is a slightly more colorful member of the tetra family. Neons and cardinal tetras look very similar in appearance. Put them in the same aquarium together and most people wouldn't be aware they are two different species. Both have metallic neon blue upper bodies and a brilliant red stripe in the center of their bodies. This stripe is found mid-body running to back the tail in neons. The stripe runs the entire length of a cardinal's body. Neons and cardinals are, in fact, so closely related that they will school together in an aquarium.

Neons are timid creatures. They should not be housed with more aggressive species. They are also very small as far as fish go. Don't house them with larger species unless you don't mind waking up with one less fish in your aquarium. You will also want to make sure provide them with plenty of hiding places. Lots of plants and rocks or aquarium decor will help them fell more secure in their new accommodations.

Neons are a shoaling species. Shoaling fish are meant to be raised as a community. They are not well suited to environment devoid of other members of their species. Social habits are an important factor to consider before buying any new species for your aquarium. Many shoaling species simply will not survive the adjustment to their new environment if they fish themselves suddenly deprived of other members of their species.

There is yet another factor to consider when deciding whether these fish are right for your particular aquarium. Tetras are notorious fin nippers. The more neons you have together, the higher the likelihood that this will become a problem. Long, flowing fins like those found on a betta fish or a fancy tailed guppies will most likely prove to be a taste treat to tempting to pass up.

Neons are one of the easiest fish to take care of. They are a robust species. These omnivores will fare well on common fish flakes. Their diet can be further supplemented with a variety of frozen or freeze-dried products formulated for omnivores. The average life expectancy of a neon tetra in the wild is 10 years. They will commonly live in excess of five years in an aquarium.

The aquarium trade is a relatively young industry. Goldfish were virtually unknown in the United States until their public debut at the Chicago World's Fair in 1893. After the conclusion of WWII, massive fleets of transportation and cargo vessels were now free to pursue commercial interests. Neon tetras were one of the very first tropical species to be introduced to the burgeoning fish hobby industry. They are very much responsible for helping to transform this hobby into the global enterprise it is today. Part of this globalization included the development of commercial fish hatcheries. The vast majority of neon tetras sold in the world are raised to support this industry rather that caught in the wild. - 32185

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A Schedule For Your Child's Fish Tank Maintenance

By Leonard Boyler

Fish are great starter pets for kids. They do not need a great deal of attention or special care, like a dog might. They are quiet, reliable pets. Though the fish themselves require minimal care, there is much aquarium maintenance that one needs to think about. If a fish is the first pet your child ever has, teach them proper care. It is a good foundation for taking further responsibility with more complicated pets later on.

Bigger aquariums tend to be much better than smaller. Though it is tempting to save money by buying the traditional bowl, the water will almost always be more easily contaminated. Bigger tanks can firstly support different filtration systems. Secondly, bigger tanks have more water, which means that if there is a slight impurity in the water, it will be less problem to the fish than being in a smaller bowl. More water means more dilution for imperfections.

Larger tanks also mean you can have more fish. While you may want to start your child out slowly and make sure they can tend to a single fish, the death of a single fish may be overlooked by the child and the other fish if it is just one among several. Also, the difference between one fish and ten is small because the start-up costs are almost always for the tank, not for the fish.

A normal ecological environment can never be reached in a tank, but it is important for the longevity of your fish's life that you try. You will want as much normal activity and genetic diversity in a tank as possible while still making sure that the fish will not eat each other.

Tank maintenance depends on several factors. The leading factor is what kind of fish you have: salt or fresh water. Fresh water fish tend to be less exotic and may lower the costs of your equipment. Salt water can be a great and rewarding challenge, but may not be a good option for kids just starting out. It is just one more factor you have to check and maintain.

The specific components of the system should be discussed with a professional at the pet store. They can help you fit the tank to your budget and your fish. There are a few things to do regardless of what type of system you have. Clean up any large messes, but most importantly you need to change out a third of the water and put in new about every two weeks. If you use EcoBio-Block products, you can reduce this part of your maintenance to once a month or less. EcoBio-Block contains beneficial bacteria that create a healthy environment for your fish. These bacteria which are found in nature, break down toxic organic waste into safer by-products, clarify your water and eliminate odors. All you have to do is put the block in the water and wait for the bacteria to build up in the tank. Just be sure to monitor your ammonia and nitrite levels on a regular basis.

The gravel should be vacuumed occasionally, removing large pieces of organic waste. (This job will also be reduced with the use of the EcoBio-Block). You should check the filters every couple of weeks to look for any clogs (if they are left too long, you will definitely notice a dirty tank and probably some dead fish). You can also test the water for pH levels occasionally, or more often if they seem stressed and you can't find any other possible reason.

Filter inserts should be automatically changed every month, even if you think they look fine. On a daily basis you should just watch life in the tank. Fish can bully or abuse others, or eat more than their share of food. You should count the fish to make sure one has not died and you may need to separate fish if there is an unhappy relationship. - 32185

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Angelfish Information

By Jenna Williams

Community Tank Opinions are wide a varied regardingthe compatibility of angelfish with other fish. As a general rule angelfish are compatible with gouramis, platies, tetras, danio, loaches, plecostomus, mollies and swordtails. In addition, the volume of the fish tank can establish how well your fish get along. A congested aquarium will stress fish and cause them to be more aggressive.

Diseases in Angelfish The familiar wise saying an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure is without doubt true when is comes to keeping angelfish. The main component is superior water quality Ammonia is a common killer of angelfish. Ammonia build up in water occurs from lack of sufficient water changes as well as over crowding. The simple act of regular water changes will prevent this from taking place and keep your angelfish happy and at ease.

Common diseases in angelfish are fin rot, mouth rot, cotton wool disease, ick, dropsy,worms, hole in the head disease and constipation. Every one are treatable but again the best means to deal with diseases in to keep outstanding water quality all the time and curtail stress on your angelfish. You will be rewarded with vibrant, strong, contented and stunning angelfish that survive a long time.

Angelfish Breeding Angelfish Breeding is not overly complicated and can be a truly amazing experience. A fish hobbyist's success in breeding angelfish can depend on many variables, including the fish themselves. A lot of captive angelfish have been so inbred that they have lost much of their rearing instincts. The result is often angelfish will eat their fry.

A normal angelfish spawn can produce anywhere from 400 to 1200 eggs. Fertilized eggs should hatch in approximately 6 to 7 days, but the growth of the fry can be observed from about day 3 on. Young fry can eat live brine shrimp once the yolk sack is gone.

There are a number of variables that must be weighed when trying to breed angelfish not limited to aquarium size, water temperature, water condition, environment and lighting. Fortunately, if one wants immediate success in angelfish breeding there are several excellent resources available to the fish hobbyist to ensure the success of his/her angelfish breeding. - 32185

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